Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Harvesting Weeds for Winter Health

Wild herbalist Karen Talbot shows you the healing nature of wild (and not so wild) plants in a new workshop:

HOW common weeds in your own backyard and empty lots power up your immune system to avoid colds and flu

SAMPLE wild food and understand how simple  "medicines" keep you and your family healthy through this winter (and reduce the possibility of H1N1)

PARTICIPATE in a hands-on demonstration, and make a personally crafted healing elixir to take home

Date:         Thursday, November 19
Time:        6-7:30pm
Place:        Edward King House
                   35 King Street, Newport, RI
Donation: $35 includes all wildcrafted&cultured plants, containers, menstruums, handouts, and all other materials
Prepay/register by Friday, November 13
Phone:       (401) 846-7426

1 comment:

  1. Wow this sounds like a really great workshop!
    Maybe I'll see you there!
